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Oxygen Model DDT-1A

Oxygen is life.

If our bodies are deprived of this precious element, it does not survive and begins to shut down one organ at a time until death becomes inevitable.

Whether the reasons are shallow breathing, daily stress, environmental toxins, an acidic diet or lack of exercise, the great majority of us do not get enough oxygen to maintain healthy cells in our body.

Oxygen deprived cells lead to a weakening of our immune system which in turn will create dis-ease in our body. We become more vulnerable and susceptible to bacteria, viruses, fungal infections and of course more life threatening diseases.

Oxygen actually destroys harmful bacteria in our body better than any prescription anti- biotic can with no unpleasant side effects. On the contrary it enhances and recharges each cell with energy and vitality. In this day and age, our body requires more oxygen than ever before.

Environmentally - Oxygen is required to detox our body of chemical exposure from air pollution, Foods that have been sprayed with toxic ingredients, cleaning supplies, outgassing from carpets and furnishings and so much more we may not even be aware of.

Daily Stress- We all experience this to some degree, in fact it has become acceptable, even to the point of being heroic “ to survive” the day. Don’t be fooled without adequate oxygen to see us through our emotional and physical stress ( which uses up oxygen to produce the adrenaline and cortisol we manufacture under duress) , we are in fact only in a state of survival. Definitely not the recipe for optimal health.

Overall Health- the sate of our health largely depends on the food we ingest and its capacity to provide our cells with optimal nutrition and function. The North American diet however tends to be more on the acidic side. This means that in order to produce balance and bring the body to a equilibrium, a source of alkalinity is needed. To fill this need the body will have to take calcium out of the bones to bring about this state of equilibrium. Perhaps this is why so many elderly suffer from osteoporosis and osteopenia .

Without adequate oxygen Viruses, bacteria as well as Fungi as in Candida are left unchecked weakening the immune system further.

Oxygen Benefits every Part of your body:

On a Physical Level:

  • It strengthens the heart muscle and may in turn ward off Heart Attack
  • With every decade we lose 5% of our vital lung capacity.
  • Less Capacity means less oxygen. Oxygen increases lung capacity- crucial to our well - being.
  • Taking into consideration that the majority of our energy comes form oxygen, overall physical performance is substantially improved.
  • It also plays a major role in faster recovery from physical exertion by relieving muscle aches and pains.
  • It is invaluable to our Immune system.
  • It helps with digestion
  • It helps to decrease the symptoms of Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia.

Oxygen is also crucial for our Nervous System:

  • It helps calm the mind, eases agitation, reduces anxiety and aids to regulate sleep patterns.
  • It is useful in the treatment of migraines and headaches .
  • It boosts memory , recall and optimizes overall brain function
  • Improves Mood and helps symptoms of depression.
  • Improves reaction time
  • Some studies are showing promise using oxygen to help with recovery after stroke as neuroplasticity and neurogenesis require oxygen to heal damaged tissues.
  • It helps with chronic stress and anxiety . When the sympathetic nervous system “ fight or flight” is constantly engaged we take more shallow breaths and consequently oxygen becomes substantially less available to brain tissues.

Your blood carries oxygen to every part of your body. By increasing oxygen transportation , you increase your overall health, vitality and wellness. Every day we breath 20,000 times. Make every single breath count in contributing to youthful energy and exuberance!

Pricing and availability to come. For any inquiries please reach me via the contact form.

For home and personal use.

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